Soul Contract Reading


A Soul Contract Reading is an accurate, in depth, channeled system of spiritual interpretation that will empower you to decode the Spiritual Map of Your Life so you can manifest your soul purpose.

Decode the secrets of the blueprint of your life hidden within your birth name.

  • Do you feel there is something very important you are here to do in this life?
  • Does it feel like it has been hidden from you and that you have been seeking it for your entire life?
  • Are you feeling you just can’t quite get to what it is?
  • Does it feel like there is always one challenge after another blocking you from turning it into a living reality?

A Soul Contract Reading uses the sounds of Ancient Hebrew and channeled Ancient Wisdom to:

Reveal the truth of how your life is really meant to work and empowers you to manifest your hidden Soul Purpose

Let’s go on a journey of going deeper into the mystery of your life where you will

  • Discover the precise strategy and solutions for overcoming your greatest challenges in life
  • Express your natural talents in a deeper way
  • Start manifesting your heart felt dreams
  • Learn how to create better relationships

So that you can enjoy that deeply fulfilled life you have always desired

A birth name only reading will reveal the core soul programming creating your life the way it is.
All sessions are online via Zoom and last 2 hours. Sessions are recorded so you can refer to them when needed.
You will be required to fill in a booking form and make payment before booking your time slot.

Please note: 48 hours notice is required for postponement or cancellation of a booked session otherwise the full fee is due.

Pricing Plans

A  Soul Contract chart is generated based on the sounds of Ancient Hebrew, contained within your birth name. It describes the energies set in place by your soul for this life that creates your reality in each moment.

This work is based on the Kaballah and is also known as the Spiritual Numerology of Moses.






How to read energy




Soul destiny


Life purpose

client testimonials

Merit is incredibly intuitive, empowering, and determined. She guides you through your worst blocks; your most uncomfortable emotions like they were nothing. I have been on the spiritual path for most of my life and have done a lot of work on myself. The process with Merit deleted longstanding issues overnight. I wish I had met her sooner. My Chinese medicine work unblocks physical, emotional, and spiritual energy. These emotional and spiritual issues still need to be processed, which is when I refer my patients to Merit. It is much faster and more effective than traditional counseling!

Lia Andrews

Merit is one of the clearest intuitive I’ve ever worked with. She is accurate and her knowledge and wisdom far exceed her age. She has helped me clear some stubborn patterns that I could not release by myself. Thank you Merit for the healing work that you have done. I highly recommend Merit Mayati!

Dale Bach

Merit is amazing. Working with her allowed me to release years of emotional trauma. After working with Merit, I am less angry, depressed, and afraid and am much calmer, happier, and satisfied. Merit makes you feel very comfortable in her sessions, such that I felt safe enough to discuss uncomfortable issues with her. She’s the best!

Jonathan David

About the instructor:

Rev. Dame Merit Mayati, is a graduate of the Berkeley Psychic Institute, a certified Arnoux Goran Seminars instructor.

Merit is esteemed as a reliable, professional and intuitive by her clients in the corporate, and entertainment fields.

For over 15 years she has devoted thousands of hours and sessions working to open the eyes of her clients to their own spiritual abilities and power of transformation.

She is a spiritual life coach with an amazing ability to identify the beliefs, emotional pain, and blockages that stand between you and your desires.

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