Psychic Kindergarten   

Activate Your Spiritual Awareness!

90-Minute Special Workshop

Welcome to Psychic Kindergarten, where we believe that everyone
has the potential to develop their psychic abilities, just like a child
learns to read and write in kindergarten.

Join our fun and engaging masterclass to learn how to unleash your psychic powers and tap into the mysteries of the universe.

Our info-level class will take you on a journey of self-discovery and help you tap into your intuitive abilities like never before.

Whether you’re a curious seeker or a seasoned psychic.

Just like in kindergarten, we’ll provide you with a safe and
supportive environment to explore your unique gifts and talents.
You’ll have the opportunity to practice your skills with other
like-minded students. And best of all, it’s fun and entertaining!

So, if you’re ready to take the first step on your psychic journey,
come join us at Psychic Kindergarten.

After attending Psychic Kindergarten, you will:

●Be open to fun and play
●Learn an exercise to heal yourself and others
●Be connected to your angels
●Feel and expand your aura
●Understand the difference between Good vs. Bad psychics
●Be open to the possibility that you CAN do this


Date &Time: May 27, Saturday from 10AM to 11:30AM PDT 

Location: Zoom 

Graduate testimonials

Merit is incredibly intuitive, empowering, and determined. She guides you through your worst blocks; your most uncomfortable emotions like they were nothing. I have been on the spiritual path for most of my life and have done a lot of work on myself. The process with Merit deleted longstanding issues overnight. I wish I had met her sooner. My Chinese medicine work unblocks physical, emotional, and spiritual energy. These emotional and spiritual issues still need to be processed, which is when I refer my patients to Merit. It is much faster and more effective than traditional counseling! 

DR. LIA ANDREWS, Chinese Medicine Doctor

Challenging and worth it! You’ll be pushed to new heights and levels!

Hannah Bacaron, Two Times World Yoga Champion

Merit is one of the clearest intuitive I’ve ever worked with. She is accurate and her knowledge and wisdom far exceed her age. She has helped me clear some stubborn patterns that I could not release by myself. Thank you Merit for the healing work that you have done. I highly recommend Merit Mayati!

Dale Bach, Reiki Instructor

Using the tools in this class I can clearly see, listen, feel and know beyond a shadow of doubt.

Leona Rustin, Former Pastry Chef

Now I can tap into others energy and commune with their higher aspects to give them guidance to reach their highest and best self/ timeline.

Brian Putnam, Spiritual Healer

About the founder of Bringers of Dawn Clairvoyant Institute:

Rev. Dame Merit Mayati, is a graduate of the Berkeley Psychic Institute, a certified Arnoux Goran Seminars instructor.

Merit is esteemed as a reliable, professional and intuitive by her clients in the corporate, and entertainment fields.

For over 15 years she has devoted thousands of hours and sessions working to open the eyes of her clients to their own spiritual abilities and power of transformation.

She is a spiritual life coach with an amazing ability to identify the beliefs, emotional pain, and blockages that stand between you and your desires.

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